Thursday, December 5, 2013

Domestic Adoption

This time last year, I was still reeling with the fact that I was pregnant.

I never meant for it to happen. I didn't know what to do. I was scared, I felt alone and I was so angry at myself and God.

What came from it was (IS) the most precious, God-ordained domestic adoption story that I could have NEVER imagined for myself and Ellie's parents!  Password: lantern

Please watch and see the goodness of God.

I am very anxious about what God wants to do with this story. I have been approached by many about a book; Lifeline has asked me about speaking.

I know I love to write and this, above most other stories in my life, is worth telling, but I don't know how to do it, yet.

Please pray for me as a I seek guidance, counsel and monetary funds to be able to do this.

God goes before us, so I know He's got this!!

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